Our Donors

Our growing community of donors has advanced our mission and enabled transformative growth throughout 2017 and 2018. We’re thankful for everyone who has contributed and provided Center scientists the support they need to answer critical questions about climate change. Together we’re creating a more sustainable future.

We’re grateful to Sarah E. Johnson, one of our first donors, for her belief in our mission and for providing key operational funding that helped make the vision for the Center a reality.

We’d also like to recognize the steadfast support of George and Wendy David, whose contributions have helped sustain our growth and expand the Center for Climate and Life Fellows Program.

Support from the World Surf League through WSL PURE, its philanthropy initiative, has facilitated vital Center research on ocean health and ecosystems.

Our sincere thanks to Dirk Ziff and Daniel Morton Ziff for their extraordinary gift—the Center’s largest single donation to date—which will support a focused, mission-critical research program.

The following gifts were made to the Center for Climate and Life between July 1, 2016 and June 30, 2018. With gratitude and appreciation, we acknowledge the generosity of the following.

Paul M. Angell Family Foundation
Dave & Kyra Barry (Iron State Development LLC)
Barbara Becker
Daniel Bennett
Matthew Benson
Botwinick-Wolfensohn Foundation, Inc.
Mark and Barbara Cane
Danielle Capalino
Pamela Van Hoven Clark
Mr. Paul A. Creeger
Pat Daly
George and Wendy David
Alfredo and Maya deAngelis
Marco DeAngelis
Peter deMenocal
David Eckert
Ms. Maria Luiza Gagos
Elizabeth Goodman
Jeff and Lenore Gould
Gulton Foundation
Susan Holgate
Jean Owen Izard
The JCT Foundation
Sarah E. Johnson
Charles and Ann Johnson
Julia Knight
Peter Kocubinski
Carla LaGrassa
Jean Leote
Lawrence H. Linden (and Linden Trust for Conservation)
Merck Company Foundation
Jens Molbak
Mame Noonan
Robert and Martha Page
Amelia Estelle Prounis & Harlambos Raftopoulos
Cassaundra Rose
Todd C. Sandoz
Shonda Schultz
Julian Sproule and Caroline Meroz
Venkatesh Srinivas
Stephen H. Weinstein
Carl Weiss
Jane Wells
Joshua Wolfe
Bill Worzel
World Surf League Pure Foundation
Daniel Morton Ziff
Dirk Ziff

We have made every effort to ensure this listing of contributors is complete and apologize for any errors or omissions. Please email leote@ldeo.columbia.edu to report corrections.